Customer Reviews for Emergency Family Assistance
Duane Eddy on 10/18/2011 4:44:21 AM
They should call it planned family assistance ..... I'm an unemployed single father that got my daughter back from social services.... haven't been able to work a normal job due to social services intervintion in our lives... I'm not recieving unemployment, welfare, ccap, foodstamps or any other benefit from the state. I'm currently waiting for approval from a companys insurance company so that I can go to work, I'm behind on my rent $600 for the last two months, haven't been able to get the security deposit together ($750), haven't been able to help the other tenant (as I sub-lease from him) with any of the utilities here lately, my daughter and I are about starving while I'm scraping together what I can for gas money to drag my daughter to employment interviews with me because i can't pay a daycare..... and these people have the audaicity to tell me that they won't help with my situation... And then tell me to pay down what I owe to ($350), get my security deposit together, secure a job, transfer my benefits to boulder county, and then they'll help me with my rent assistance...... What part of "EMERGENCY" Family Assistance do these people not understand..... if I could do all that I wouldn't have gone to them to get shot down a second time...